【同义词辨析】 2017-05-22 精通proficient-expert

proficient: implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice: a translator thoroughly ~ in Russian.

adept: implies special aptitude as well as proficiency: very ~ at handling large numbers in his head. (aptitude天分==innate capacity+natural liking天生能力+喜欢,美国高考SAT的A)

skilled: stresses mastery of technique: a delicate operation requiring a ~ surgeon. (delicate这里表示棘手需要小心)

skillful: implies individual dexterity in execution or performance: a shrewd and ~ manipulation of public opinion.   (dexterity熟练: 精通轻松) (shrewd精明: 现实冷静,聪明又明智)

expert: implies extraordinary proficiency and often connotes knowledge as well as technical skill: ~ in the identification and evaluation of wines.   (technical knowledge专业知识,不要说成技术知识,skill这里是技术不是技巧 )

proficient精通: 指具有全面能力,来自培训练习(train培训外还表示训练drill),adept擅长: 既有天分精通,skilled有技能: 强调掌握技法(即技术方法,technique这里不要译成技术,它的本意是method方法),skillful熟练: 执行或表演时熟练(dexterous熟练表示精通轻松),expert专家: 具有专业知识技术,表示非常得精通(extraordinary proficiency)

记忆方法: 1)首字母是一个单词passe过时<==精通永不过时   (passe法语,过时no longer fashionable: Australian wines were quite popular for a while, but now they're rather passe澳洲葡萄酒曾经流行,但现在过时了)

         2)精通的意思是知识经验丰富技术行业职业等方面成功mean having or manifesting the great knowledge and experience necessary for success in skill, trade, or profession.